One of the sweetest new mystery series to hit our store of late is the Flavia de Luce series, written by Alan Bradley. The first book in the series was The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, which has recently come out in paperback. After I read the first book, I described it as Harriet the Spy meets Nancy Drew for grown-ups. You can read more about that first book and the author in my blog post.
We were so excited to unpack a box from Random House this week and find Book Two in the series, The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag. As with the first book, the packaging of the book is very sweet -- this one being a purple hardcover book, versus the green of the first book.
The star of the series is Flavia de Luce, a dangerously brilliant eleven-year-old with a passion for chemistry and a genius for solving murders. This time around, Flavia finds herself untangling two deaths -- deaths separated by time but linked by the unlikeliest of threads. When master puppeteer Rupert Porson is fatally electrocuted during a performance, Flavia puts aside her chemistry experiments and her poisoning plots against her older sisters and sets out on her trusty bike, Gladys, to investigate.
Flavia fans will be happy to know that Bradley is busy working on the third book in the Flavia de Luce series: A Red Herring Without Mustard.
This sounds like my kind of book - thanks for the heads up!