Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another Great Week Ahead!

What an exciting week next week promises to be -- like this week wasn't wild enough! In fact, Tuesday promises to be a day among days, truly. First, in the morning, we will have the new novel from dearly loved Jim Lynch (The Highest Tide), Border Songs, as well as the "prequel" to The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, The Angel's Game. Then, as if that wasn't enough, Tuesday night we're gathering with fellow booklovers at Broadway Books to talk about great reads and about what's coming out over the next several months. There's still time to register for this event - check out our website for details. And here's to a great June 16th!

I have been a HUGE fan of The Highest Tide, ever since it first came out. And Jim is about as nice an author as you could ask for. [Don't forget about his reading here on June 25th!] I was worried that I might not like Border Songs as much (you know, overly high expectations and all that rot), but no, I am happy to say that I loved it just as much. Maybe more (I'm shallow that way -- last read, most loved). And I thought I was really screwing up by not getting around to reading The Shadow of the Wind sooner, and in a sense I was -- what a spectacular book! But, because I cleverly just read it last week for the first time I didn't have to wait nearly a decade for his next book, like the on-top-of-their-game early readers of Shadow. Hmmmm. You decide: brilliant or just paralyzed by procrastination, or perhaps merely suffering from an overly optimistic idea of getting through the "books I want to read" stack.

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